WOW was started in 1999 with a mission to bring organization to mass amounts of paper being stored throughout companies. This backlog in
companies often results in information being misplaced, unsecured, visible to all, and lost through shear volume; and all the while storage costs
Our In-House service takes paper documents and converts them to image/OCR/ICR/PDF etc. to be stored on CD or other alternative media.
This will help move our clients into the forefront in their field of business. They will then find their information travel is streamlined,
filing cabinets compressed, storage costs eliminated and retrieval time decreased.
At WOW quality through file integrity is our primary focus. Our professionals will perform the necessary conversions and utilize a quick
access naming convention. We are also able to convert files of varying security clearance levels. WOW employees are bonded and possess
the access control parameters you need.
WOW's highly trained, qualified professionals ensure an industry-leading level of responsiveness and professionalism.
Our stringent quality assurance directives help ensure error-free service and products, on time.
Once your files are converted from paper format to CD-Rom you can then have the power of full text search capabilities (if chosen) to quickly
access files or similarly grouped files based on your search criterion.
Our head office is located in the nation’s capital Ottawa, Canada. However, we are able to perform pick up and delivery services anywhere in
North America to the closest WOW facility to help your company get underway to a more streamlined filing system. WOW also offers on site scanning
in your working environment.
Unleash your business potential; the future is here.